• 50000
    Expo scale(㎡)
  • 600+
  • 60000+
  • 80+

Special Exhibition

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  • China Biotech Conference and China Biotech Expo
  • 2024 International Conference on Innovation in Cell and Gene Therapy Technology
  • 2024 China Biomedical Industry Development Conference
  • China International Pharmaceutical Raw Materials, Excipients and Technology Equipment Expo 2024
  • 2024中国精准医学大会暨精准医疗产业博览会
  • 2024 International Conference on precision diagnosis and treatment of laboratory medicine and exhibition of in vitro diagnostic reagents
  • 2024 future laboratory innovation and Development Conference and Exhibition
  • 2024 China biopharmaceutical Industrial Park Expo and 2024 biopharmaceutical industry global investment conference

Expo News

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The China Association for Science and Technology's Life Science Association consortium is guiding the organization of the 2023 China Life Science Expo and the 2023 China Precision Medical Industry Exp
The recruitment of partners for the China Life Science Conference is underway! Looking forward to your joining
【 Academic Report Guest Collection 】 2024 China Life Science Conference
Notice of the China Cancer Prevention and Treatment Alliance on Holding the 2020 China Cancer Prevention and Treatment Alliance Annual Conference and the 2020 China Precision Medicine Conference (Firs
Notice of the China Hospital Association on Holding the 2020 China Precision Medicine Conference

Exhibition style

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  • 阿斯利康(AstraZeneca) 再次强势进驻“2020中国精准医疗产业博览会”

Collaborative media

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6 7 8 9 11 13 14 合作媒体 合作媒体 合作媒体 5 合作媒体 早筛网 中国仪器批发网 动脉网 pharma Asia spec medical TOURISM International Conference Alerts echemi Medarabia Bio LABePEDIA spnews Pharmic_news Pharmic_B2B BioSpectrum MedEdge MEA CN1699 Allma 博雅生命 细胞中国 005 露森科研 阿仪网 仪器设备网 化工仪器网 找我测 医直聘 全球医学会议网 中国生物器材网 大健康网 药源网 全球医学会议网 肽度 康强网 生物探索 南北潮 学术导航 仪器仪表网 今时医学 云掌财经 生物药CMC 评 开展么 003 198展会网 002 火爆展会网 27.会查查 26.基因君 25.测序宝 20.领域国际医学会议网 医药英才网 医捷通 生物通 会展之窗 干细胞者说 59医疗器械网 东方药交会网 东方医药网 3156医药网 3.展会港 来宝网 top展会网 畅展网 再生医学网 外泌体之家 环球医疗器械网 39健康网 人人实验网 生技网 制药在线 1 制药网 云同盟 大健康招商网 展大大 色谱学堂 中实仪信网 食品伙伴网 智能制造网 第一展会网 药源网
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