
Introduction to CULSS

China union of Life Science Societies (referred to as "CULSS") is the first consortium of societies under the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST).  It is a non-independent legal cooperative organization jointly initiated by 11 national societies in the field of life sciences affiliated to CAST.  The founding conference was held in Beijing on October 15, 2015. Leaders of CAST attended the founding conference and focused on elaborating the status, role and significance of the Consortium of Societies.

The establishment of the association consortium is not only an important measure for the reform of the science and technology system, but also an innovative measure for the reform of the group work, as well as a concrete measure to comply with the laws of modern science and technology development. The field of life sciences is a typical discipline that embodies the highly interdisciplinary integration of disciplines, and it is also the most influential discipline field in China internationally, which is most likely to achieve the transformation from following to running together and leading. The association consortium focuses on creating a long-term mechanism of organic interaction, collaboration and efficient resource sharing between disciplines and talents, forming a stable system of common development, joint research and collaborative reform.  The large platform provided by it can further highlight the subjectivity of scientists in scientific research and technological innovation, better play the role of organization and guidance of science and technology associations, promote information exchange and resource sharing among members, and create a good innovation environment. The association consortium promotes the integration and cooperation between disciplines through the exchange of big disciplines, and through cooperation, it enables more resources to be shared and used, and guides and promotes collaborative innovation. It gives full play to the advantages of the association consortium platform and integration, through carrying out major assessments, setting up major awards, proposing major plans, undertaking important functions, uniting scientists from all parties and the majority of science and technology workers, and enhancing international discourse power.

At present, the members of the association consortium include 23 national societies, including the Chinese Society of Zoology, the Chinese Society of Botany, the Chinese Society of Entomology, the Chinese Society of Microbiology, the Chinese Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the Chinese Society of Cell Biology, the Chinese Society of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology, the Chinese Society of Biophysics, the Chinese Society of Genetics, the Chinese Society of Experimental Animals, the Chinese Society of Neuroscience, the Chinese Society of Bioengineering, the Chinese Society of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine, the Chinese Physiological Society, the Chinese Anatomy Society, the Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering, the Chinese Nutrition Society, the Chinese Pharmacological Society, the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association, the Chinese Immunological Society, the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, the Chinese Stroke Association,  and the Chinese Cognitive Science Association.

Background of establishment

demands of discipline development
Life science is a rapidly developing, multidisciplinary and cutting-edge discipline, which is closely related to people's health, economic construction and social development.  It is one of the most concerned basic natural sciences in the world today. In recent years, the Chinese life science community has made remarkable achievements, which is inseparable from the active and crucial role played by various societies in promoting the development of the discipline.

Consortium develop needs
Strengthen communication and resource sharing among societies, enhance the international influence of Chinese life sciences, better undertake the transfer of government functions, and accelerate the self-development of societies.

Support from China Association for Science and Technology
At the initiative of the China Association for Science and Technology, 11 academic societies in the field of life sciences have officially established the "Consortium of Life Sciences Societies" as the initiating unit, and gradually invited and absorbed all national academic societies in the field of life sciences affiliated to the China Association for Science and Technology to join, so that the consortium can effectively serve all academic societies, further strengthen its ties with the China Association for Science and Technology, and vigorously promote the development of life sciences in China.

Purpose and mission

The Consortium of Societies of Science and Technology is initiated by the national life science societies affiliated to the China Association for Science and Technology in accordance with the principles of "voluntary, equality and cooperation".  All life science-related societies can voluntarily apply to join the Consortium of Societies of Science and Technology. The Consortium of Societies of Science and Technology, without interfering with the work of each society, aims to better adapt to the overall requirements of national scientific and technological innovation development, explore innovative management models for scientific and technological societies, promote complementary resources and common progress, promote science popularization, academic exchanges, consultation and training, cooperative development, talent cultivation, strengthen the dissemination of knowledge and culture in life science and human health, and contribute to the comprehensive economic and social development of the country. The Consortium of Societies of Science and Technology is subject to the supervision of each member society.

The purpose of the Institute Consortium
Fairness, cooperation, responsibility and development

Mission of the Consortium

- Unite life science workers and promote the prosperity and development of China's life science

— Establish and improve academic and talent resource sharing mechanisms, promote the growth and improvement of scientific and technological talents, and accelerate the cultivation of young talents

- Strengthen communication with government functional departments to promote the transfer of government functions to learned societies, promote the coordinated development of member societies, and enhance the ability of learned societies to undertake government functions.

- Promote the popularization and promotion of science and technology, and strengthen the combination of production, learning, research and application

- Promote domestic and international cooperation and exchanges, enhance the overall competitiveness of China's life science community, and better serve the national economic construction, the improvement of scientific literacy of the whole people, and the vast number of scientific and technological workers engaged in life science research.

— Joint members of the society collaborate to complete work that cannot be carried out by a single society

Advisory Committee

Appointed by the presidium, it will absorb well-known experts and scholars in the field of life sciences to provide advice and guidance on the development and academic activities of the consortium

曹雪涛陈 霖陈 竺陈赛娟陈晓亚陈晔光陈志南程 京程和平种 康邓宏魁
邓兴旺邓子新丁 健段树民樊瑜波方精云高 福葛 颂冯新华桂建芳何士刚
贺 林贺福初黄路生蒋华良金 力康 乐李 林李家洋李兰娟林海帆刘平生
孟安明欧阳平凯裴 钢秦 川饶子和尚永丰沈 岩施一公舒红兵松阳洲苏国辉
隋森芳田志刚王 俊王红阳王小凡王晓东王晓民王小宁王志新魏于全吴 虹
武维华肖瑞平徐 涛徐安龙徐建国许瑞明薛勇彪阎锡蕴杨宝峰杨焕明杨月欣
叶玉如袁国勇詹启敏张 旭张 宏张启发张绍祥张先恩张学敏张亚平张灼华
赵国屏赵进东周 琪朱玉贤庄文颖曾益新


The Presidium

中国昆虫学会理事长............................... 康乐

中国免疫学会副理事长............................. 王小宁

中国动物学会理事长........................................................................................... 孟安明
中国植物学会理事长............................................................................................ 种 康
中国昆虫学会理事长............................................................................................ 康 乐
中国生物化学与分子生物学学会理事长............................................................ 李 林
中国细胞生物学学会理事长................................................................................. 陈晔光
中国植物生理与植物分子生物学学会理事长..................................................... 陈晓亚
中国生物物理学会理事长...................................................................................... 徐 涛
中国遗传学会理事长............................................................................................  薛勇彪
中国实验动物学会理事长..................................................................................... 秦 川
中国神经科学学会理事长...................................................................................... 段树民
中国生物工程学会理事长...................................................................................... 高 福
中国中西医结合学会理事长.................................................................................. 陈香美
中国生理学会理事长............................................................................................. 王 韵
中国解剖学会理事长............................................................................................. 张绍祥
中国生物医学工程学会理事长............................................................................. 曹雪涛
中国营养学会理事长............................................................................................  杨月欣
中国药理学会理事长............................................................................................  张永祥
中国抗癌协会理事长............................................................................................  樊代明
中国免疫学会理事长............................................................................................  田志刚
中国认知科学学会理事长........................................................................................陈 霖


Academic tasks and undertaking projects

Academic tasks

- Establishing a high-level and interdisciplinary academic exchange platform to better serve scientists and technologists

Predict the development direction of life science and provide ideas for national science and technology strategy

-- Plan and implement the work of undertaking the transfer of government functions with the joint efforts of all parties, and effectively serve the society and the government

--Taking the opportunity of implementing the "Young Talent Project", gradually improving the scientific and technological talent cultivation system in the field of life sciences

Popularize scientific and technological knowledge related to life sciences to provide support for the implementation of innovation-driven development strategies

-- Strengthening international exchanges and enhancing the international status of Chinese life science and technology workers

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